Sunday, December 18, 2011

Connect to Windows PC from your Iphone

I always wondered if there were any softwares which enabled me to connect to my windows pc from my iphone,I know they are but was too lazy to serch untill today,i found this free app in the market by Wyse Technology which uses vnc viewer as the backend protocol to connect to your pc at home from your iphone and also from android,just make sure to instll the approriate client on your pc and phone.

I downloaded the software from the below site

and there it is you can rdp to lot more than just your PC......


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Hiding a DL

Q; I want to hide a distribution list (DL) from the Microsoft exchange Server Globel address list (GAL).The options Hide from address book and Hide Membership from address book appear on the address tab for the user's mail box in Microsoft exchange Administrator.What's the difference between these options?

A; If you choose Hide from address book,The DL won't appear in the GAL,So you must know the Exact DL name to send a message to the list,If you choose hide Membership from address book then the DL appears in the GAL, but the list's membership remains hidden.If you right -click the DL and select properties,no names appear in the members area.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

What about Google Desktop3

It administrators are banning the software,saying it's new multiple computer search feature could ultimately violate federal privacy regulations

What is this Google desktop3?
It's a free downloadable program that includes an option to let users Search across multiple computers for files, for upto a month,on google servers.from there ,copies are transfered to the users .The data is encrypted in transmission and while stored on google servers

What does privacy foundation say?
The electronic privacy foundation urged consumers to boycott the software,warning that Google could be forced to turn over the data to the government if subpoened,Even if the data is stored on Google servers any temporarily

What does University Administrator say?
Any amount of time that data is stored on an outside server is too long for institutions that must comply with the family education rights and privacy act(FERPA).Which provides strict guidelines for protecting students and medical data."we have to be careful about where our data ends up," he said."There is no effective way to manage from a Technology policy stand point,said Mr.Micheal holstein,Security administrator at cleveland state university.

what does a System administrator and network engineer say?
"Any of our intellectual property could end up on Google,which is potentially a big problem," we deal with a lot of government contracts with Secure,classified information,says Faisal sehbai a system administrator and network engineer at johnson controls.

what does a Googler have to say about this?
A Google representation pointed out that the enterprise version of Google desktop,due out "very soon," will allow IT administrators to centrally deploy and manage the software,including enabling or disabling entire feature sets.In addition,a user has to have administrator rights to0 the computer to download Google desktop,So concerned network administrators could control its usage by withholding administrator rights on broad scale

See guys there is nothing to be worried about.Google is smart enough to have considered all these issues.So chill out consider it and use it in a correct way.It's you who make the difference not any software.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Where's my slave gone?

Q, I recently connected an old 6GB hard disk as the slave to the main 70GB hard disk,but although it shows up in the bios,windows XP is unable to see it.What do i need to do?

A, Once a disk is recognised by your Bios,You'll need to partition and format it for use in do this in XP 'enter 'compmgmt.msc' in rom from the short menu,Click disk management and the right-hand panel will show a graphical view of the disks in your system.
You should now see your main 70GB and the secondary 6GB model.Right click the space in this smaller 6Gb disk and chose New partition,Then follow the instructions to partition and format it.Be careful that your'e partioning and formatting the correct disk,though,as this process will wipe it clean.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Fire Walls

It is always suggestable that any one acessing the Internet product systems with either a hardware or software firewalls.Deciding which type of firewalls to use depends on what we are trying to protect.If it is just about a single computer system with internet acess zone alarm software works really well for most people
Zone alarm not only alarms when some one tries to acess your computer but it alerts you when a program on your computer attempts unauthorised acess to the internet.If the acess is valid you can instruct the zone alarm to remember the program and allow acess in the future without alarms can also detect Trojan horse and spyware programs.Sometimes a software firewalls dosen't cut it.In these circumstances a hardware firewalls is useful
A customer needs Internet acess on more than one computer.
A customer needs a secure connection to a main office.
The client is a branch office.
A company needs to host e-mail and web servers.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Keeping cool under pressure

Q, I recently put together a media system using a pentium processor and the A open i915GMm-HFS motherboard.I'm pleased with its performance but noticed the temperature of the processor can lit up to 80 centigrade when driven flat out.

A, It's sound high but that's normal for the pentium m processor.We've found our own model 770 pentium M runs at around 45 to 55 degree centigrade when idle depending upon the fan configuration but goes upto 80 once it's put under load.this happens even with the supplied A open fan running flat out
Don't worry the temperature is well within the operating margins of the pentium M and falls very quickly when the load decreases.

Can't connect to workgroup

Q, I have an intermitant problem here.I have 4pc's networked 1 running with xp pro,2 of them running with xp home and the last running with 2000 server.They are connected via 3 com cable router/acess point using DHCP to allocate IPaddress.Every thing has been working fine but recently i'm having problems viewing the workgroup i can acess all the pc's work\ping them can use internet on all of them.How ever if i try to view the workgroup to connect to a pc i can't acess it.All i get is workgroup's not acessable,you might not have permission etc.The network path was not found.I can also send folders through this i know the network is connected.Another strange thing is that if i use 'net view' it gives me a system error,network path not found.I've tried rebooting the router and using the network wizard and also checking the settings/firewalls etc but nothing helps.

A, I notice you are not as yet on a domain's and are operating in a peer to peer environment if it was a domain, the first you would check is your WINS.since you are operating in a peer to peer network it's impossible for you to find out the server in this environment as there is no client and no server it not possible to view the work group the best thing to do is enable the netbios over TCP/ip.Make sure that microsoft client for networks is enabled on the local computers.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Up Grading an old PC

Q, Is it worth upgrading an seven to eight year old pc?

A, The way in which a Pc is upgraded completely depends on its motherboard.The model should be listed as partof the original Pc's specifications or is marked normally on the motherboard itself.Visit the
motherboard manufacturers website and download the MANUAL or TECHNICAL specifications,Which will tell exactly what type of components can be used,also check for an Bios updates which may support newer or faster components.
Serven or Eight years is a lon g time in the Pc industry.Most of the components or parts for the system will probably have long been discontinued.So ultimately it ends up this way that the upgrade potential of older system is either too modest or too expensive it is of course up to you but a new budget Pc could easily out perform it any day.

Harddisk problems

Q, Hey dude my pc has recently become unreliable,Taking an age to boot up at sometimes or not starting at others.I've tried booting from the windows Cd and the system starts on,So it might be the hard disk that might be wrong?

A,Yeah,you might be wright mostly harddisks are the components which dont last forever depending on there usage and there environment some could last less than five years the basic symptons for disk failures are such as slow start-up's or the inability to boot on some occasions. Sometimes the Bios also gives away the game starting it cannot find an operating system or is unable to boot from the disk.Most of the disks sont fail overnight there by gining an opportunity to copy data off the disk.Even disks that appear to have failed are worth a rechecking either way it's time for new one.