Monday, March 06, 2006

Fire Walls

It is always suggestable that any one acessing the Internet product systems with either a hardware or software firewalls.Deciding which type of firewalls to use depends on what we are trying to protect.If it is just about a single computer system with internet acess zone alarm software works really well for most people
Zone alarm not only alarms when some one tries to acess your computer but it alerts you when a program on your computer attempts unauthorised acess to the internet.If the acess is valid you can instruct the zone alarm to remember the program and allow acess in the future without alarms can also detect Trojan horse and spyware programs.Sometimes a software firewalls dosen't cut it.In these circumstances a hardware firewalls is useful
A customer needs Internet acess on more than one computer.
A customer needs a secure connection to a main office.
The client is a branch office.
A company needs to host e-mail and web servers.


Blogger Sanifu Brand News said...

The discussion on the importance of both hardware and software firewalls is informative. As in digital security, physical security is equally vital, and Palisade Fencing provides a robust physical barrier to protect properties.

8:09 AM


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